Letterpress Things

As we continue to unpack and organize type moved from our previous
location we’re finding fonts long set aside for the day when
they’d be brought out into the light for sale.

There are dozens. . . it’s time now to clear them out. . . our counter and
storage space is limited. . . there are still more fonts yet to be unpacked.

Some of these fonts are older, traditional faces once popular
in job shops; some are variations - italic / light / bold - of
the basic face. Need them out the door soon. . . otherwise
they’re destined for recycling to our hot metal associates!

Postage not included. Mailed in USPS Flat Rate Boxes.
See end of Page for ordering instructions.

LT-132 — 24 pt Keynote
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers

LT-132 - Keynote - 3/24/25

LT-135 — 36 pt Folio Light [Bauer]
Caps / Numbers — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold

LT-135 - Folio Light - 3/19/25

LT-150 — 14 pt Craw Modern Bold
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold
$47.00 $44.00

LT-150 - Craw Modern Bold 3/5/25

LT-142 — 18 pt Swing
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold
$34.00 Combine with LT-154 — $80 SOLD Thank you!

LT-142 - Swing - 3/24/25

LT-154 — 24 pt Swing
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold
$52.00 Combine with LT-142 $80.00 SOLD Thank you!

LT-154 - Swing - 3/24/25

LT-161 — 24 pt Century Bold Condensed
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers

LT-161 - Century Bold Condensed - 3/24/25

LT-173 — 24 pt Gothic Condensed
Caps — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold

LT-173 - gothic condensed - 3/24/25

LT-156 — 120 Harlequin Initials
Caps — Most letters copper-clad - where bare metal seen, will print without seam showing
$80.00 Scrapping 4/7 if not sold

LT-158 - Harlequin initials - 3/19/25

LT-172 — 48 Lombardic Initials
Caps - No T — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold

LT-172 - lombardic initials - 3/12

LT-195 — 42 Bernhard Cursive No. 2
Caps / Numbers — Scrapping 4/7 if not sold
$24.00 SOLD Thank you!

LT-195 BernhardtCursive - 3/5

To order. . .
mail - letterpressthings@gmail.com
with the LT-font # you are interested in purchasing.
Be sure to include your mailing address. We’ll
reply with an email confirming the Font(s)
availability, mailing cost and payment instructions.

Please Do Not submit payment until a payment
confirmation email is received. The Font(s)
may already be sold. Thank you!