Hoorah! First few days of August and the heat of July is behind us. Day time temperatures creep up for sure, but at night temperatures cool things down. It's possible now to comfortably work mornings in the store and that's what we've started doing. This Saturday, August 5th is our first Open Date after shut down. We've got a few projects underway, and we're doing a bit of reorganization as well.
But come 9 a.m. Saturday, the we open our doors once again! So come by, be nice to see you.
P.S. Although we technically took a vacation during the month of July, we spent a good deal of our time off attending several letterpress events. Sarah represented Letterpress Things at the Buffalo Bookfest in early July. Later in the month, JB traveled out to the APA Wayzgoose held at the International Printing Museum in Carson CA. Both great events, met many friends and letterpressers.
More on those trips in upcoming blogs. Stay tuned!