Local Yuletide Event. . .
/Again this year we’ve been invited to participate in the Storrowton Village Museum’s annual Yuletide Program. The event, a week long winter festival from December 7-14, 2019, brings the community together to celebrate the season with traditional Yuletide activities, entertainment and shopping in the historic Village. Yuletide Weekend is December 7-8 from 11 am to 4 pm each day. Activities are free, and feature ice sculpting, 19th century trades, livestock demonstrations, even a chance to visit with Santa.
Among the 19th century trades being demonstrated will be letterpress printing. We’ll be located in the Greenwich Barn with our little print shop complete with hand press, type cabinet, type, paper and ink. And in period dress no less! Conversation for the two days will be all about letterpress with a lot of show and tell, even a bit of hands-on too. Storrowton, a vibrant historic community, celebrates the Holiday season with activities and the decor of another era of New England life. Plan a day to observe, participate and enjoy!
2018 Yuletide - Storrowton Village Museum - West Springfield, MA