The New Year. . .
/the letterpress things “workshop”
began with the absolute resolution to open and organize our 3rd floor space. Previous posts had showed pallets, racks and tables, and machines crammed in a 3000 square foot wall-to-wall-to-wall area. The urgency for completion was the need to set up a “Workshop”. Since moving from West Springfield during the summer, we’ve not had the ability to clean/repair/restore anything. . . not even a composing stick! At long last we’ve a “shop”; an area to putter and work in. Hoorah!
Along the way, we’ve also been retrieving type and stuff from two shops: one in Central Mass, the other in Western Mass. It’s been challenging; initially in January with continuing cold temps. More recently with snow underfoot from a series of quick snow storms. Type and things from both shops have been inventoried and are being moved onto the floor for the February 20th Open Date.
With the third floor and Workshop settled in, and the retrievals moving well, there’ll be more time now to work on the website. It’s been several months without any updates. There’s a backlog of type and things to be processed and photographed. We’ll start with the ”Type” pages in a few days, followed with “Cabinets” and “Machines”. And coming soon, watch for a new Page entitled “Things”. Give you a hint, it’s about letterpress things.