Almost Done!

Last December we were notified our lease was not being renewed, “Be out in two months.” An impossible feat, so we pushed back, and gained a reprieve to May 31, 2024.  Planning and preparations began early January.  First task was to find convenient, nearby warehouse space as temporary storage and as a location for lots-to-bid-on in a High Bids Win auction.  By happenstance, a former Letterpress Services customer graciously stepped up offering both available space and utilities, and moving stuff began soon after.

Open Dates continued into April while behind the scenes decisions were being made daily about: what to keep/move to storage; what could/would go to trash; and often painfully so, what could be disposed of as scrap having little or no momentary worth despite whatever the intrinsic value.

The numbers are staggering!  Overall, 170+ pallets total, schlepped by hand down an elevator, into/out of a truck and into the storage area.  Equipment, machines and presses; cabinets—both empty and with type; shelving, counters, tables and tools; dozens and dozens of cartons packed/palletized with inventory supplies, books, paper, ephemera and more.  Three 10-yard dumpsters and 16 truckloads of trash to landfill; 27 truckloads of scrap metal to a recycling yard. With trash and scrap combined, 48 tons of matter hauled out and away!

Initially, we anticipated being finished by the end of May.  Our expectations of exiting as promised were far exceeded by the physical reality of the task.  Finally, June 28th we walked away leaving locks and keys behind; six months of the worst physical and emotional strain and stress ever experienced in our lifetimes!  

The first week in July we did nothing except rest, sleep and enjoy coffee (and an occasional beer) on the deck!

Along the way, in late May an impromptu visit to another former LPS print shop customer led to the availability of space in their building.  Following a brief tour and several hours of intense, freewheeling discussion of all the possibilities the location offered to both parties, Letterpress Things had a new location!

The second week in July the build-out of our new home began.  It took about a month to clean the space out, construct counters, build an office and “stations”, and arrange cabinets/fixtures. Recent weeks cartons and cartons of stuff have been brought in from storage, opened and contents put away in their PAL’s [properly assigned locations].

By happenstance, this new spot is a mere feet from the storage area. So close that transport of stuff can be done with bindery carts in minutes!

We’re almost done! Most cartons have been unpacked, type cases returned to cabinets, and supplies/things sorted and put away. Presently, we’re in the midst of an unexpected chore. . . a complete review of all our inventory lists verses inventory itself. Between packing, transport and unpacking, things have become a bit messed up; working to get it all organized. Once completed, the website will again be activated with the supplies, type and tools you’ve come to enjoy purchasing from us.

We’re excited for two reasons: first, the relocation is almost done! This has been one helluva project for folks in their 80’s. Truly the most emotional and physical stress ever experienced. Second, the new Store is polar opposite of what Chicopee was. Of course, neat, clean and well-organized; but compact and well lit; ground level and temperature controlled (AC and heat!). No “View from the 4th” but a canal system in the area that supported Holyoke’s various paper mills with numberus great spots to view and photograph.

The next posting here in “John’s Blog” will highlight the Store’s interior. As a bit of a tease, here’s our new look outside so you’ll know how to recognize us at #8 Hanover Street in Holyoke, Massachusetts!

John B / JoAnn