Prepping for the 2nd


       Our next open date is Saturday, June 2nd. We're back in reasonable physical condition and the Swoop events are well behind us. Now our attention and energy is focused on getting back to normal activity.

       On the website we've added some additional cabinets like the Multigraph cabinet (C-273), a California cabinet with dual working tops (C-327), and a press stand with ten cases (C-338) to name a few. As always, there's many more cabinets available on the website and at the store.


             Several additional machines are also on hand, such as a Martin Yale paper cutter (M-184), and a Bostitch stapler (M-185) with lots of staples. We're also showcasing one of the rarer presses we've had in quite awhile; a 5 x 8 Golding Pearl with a motor (M-186). Even if you're not interested in purchasing it, it's a press really worth seeing in person!

Also on hand is a tabletop 5 x 8 Kelsey (M-178) which will be available for shipping after the second.

           There's still a bunch of "things" (furniture cabinets, slug cutters, hand tools, type, etc.) to rummage through at the store and the various type fonts/plate sets seen on the website can be purchased in house sans postage fees. Teachers and professional printers, consider stopping by for your summer printing project supplies!

Hope to see you soon!  - JB


Plans for June 2017


It's June, summer and vacation time is approaching. We're busy wrapping up the final processing of several shop purchases from last fall and earlier this year. The goal is to finish before the heat and humidity of July sets in. This Saturday, we continue offering a variety of tools and things, first at the store and then subsequently on the website.


And there will be several 5 x 8 Kelseys available if you're looking for a press. In preperation for our summer vacation, we'll be open for two days the fourth weekend of June with an expanded amount of items. Details to come soon!

Tools & Machinery in Store



So what's new around Letterpress Things these days?

Well, at our commercial shop in West Springfield, a well-equipped workshop for cleaning and fixing tools, machines, presses, etc. is finally up and operational.



This improves our ability to more quickly process and prepare items acquired in recent months for sale on the floor.

In fact, this Saturday the 27th, there'll be a number of small tools available for the first time including several round cornering units, a steel rule cutter, a Hanson brass rule cutter, a single spindle drill, an ink scale and more.



There'll also be a 6 x 10 Kelsey, complete, ready to print and possibly several other units presently being worked on. There's even still some type and items left from the Howie Swoop.


It's a long weekend coming up so if you're looking for a day trip destination or coming through the area, stop in and say hello!