Flea Market Review

Whew, the Printers' Flea Market happened!


What a great weekend at Letterpress Things.

Over 60 people journeyed to Chicopee from as far as North Carolina and Montreal!

Now that there's some room on the tables, we'll be adding more items for our next Open Date on October 1st. There's also dozens of cabinets available: type, furniture, galley, utility, etc. There's many more in stock than just the units shown on the website. Now's the time to get those loose cases and stuff organized!

Our thanks again to all who visited the Flea Market! 

Halloween Happenings

October 31st, a fun day at the store!

Everyone who came in left with a Halloween bag of letterpress treats.



Visitors included a photographer looking for still life props and a few of our "regulars" who just like to stop in to see what's new. It was really nice to have a group from the Women's Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY.

Their operation and programs are very impressive!



A special greeting to Angie and Daniel from Nova Scotia; they operate a letterpress print shop in downtown Halifax. 

The minivan had some weight going back home.




But the best of all; Darrell Hyder of Sun Hill Press dropped by with one of his latest projects. A multi-colored press sheet sampling quite a number of his personal wood type fonts!

Check out the photo (Darrell is the guy on the left).