Letterpress Things
As we continue to unpack and organize type moved from our previous
location we’re finding fonts long set aside for the day when
they’d be brought out into the light for sale.
There are dozens. . . it’s time now to clear them out. . . our counter and
storage space is limited. . . there are still more fonts yet to be unpacked.
Some of these fonts are older, traditional faces once popular
in job shops; some are variations - italic / light / bold - of
the basic face. Need them out the door soon. . . otherwise
they’re destined for recycling to our hot metal associates!
Postage not included. Mailed in USPS Flat Rate Boxes.
See end of Page for ordering instructions.
LT-156 — 120pt Harlequin Initials
$94.00 $80.00
LT-156 — 120pt Harliquin Initials 2/10/25
LT-102 — 10 pt Clarendon Sorts
Scrapped if not sold
LT-102 - claredon MEDIUM - 2/19/25
LT-150 — 14 pt Craw Modern Bold
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers
LT-150 - Craw Modern Bold 3/5
LT-129 — 30 pt Kaufmann Bold
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers — Scrapped if not sold
LT-129 - Kaumann bold - 2/19/25
LT-161 — 24 pt Century Bold Condensed
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers
LT-161 = Century Bold Condensed - 3/5
LT-147 — 18 pt Dom Diagonal
Caps / lower case / Numbers
LT-147 - dom diagonal - 2/10/25
LT-175 — 24 Goudy Black Letter
Caps / lower case / Numbers — Scrapped if not sold
LT-175 - Goudy Black Letteer
LT-179 — 30 pt Reproscript
Caps / lower case / Numbers
LT-179 - Reproscript - 3/5
LT-168 — 30 pt Commercial Script
Caps / Lower Case / Numbers — Scrapped if not sold.
LT-168 - Commercial Script - 3/5
LT-195 — 42 Bernhard Cursive No. 2
Caps / Numbers — Scrapped if not sold
LT-195 BernhardtCursive - 3/5