Swamp Press


Newly-cast type, borders and icons from Swamp Press. Fonts and books shown
here are on-hand in the Store and available for immediate mailing.

See end of Page for instructions on ordering any Swamp Press items.

Books currently available from Swamp Press at bottom of Page.

LT-123 — Mirjam Hebrew #219 12 pt


LT-103 -- Melior Roman #125 12 pt
1/2 Strength Font

ER-103 - Melior Roman #125 - 2/26

ER-104 — Melior Italic #125 12pt
1/2 Strength Font


ER-104 - Melior Italic - 2/26

ER-111 — Gill Sans #262 Upright & Oblique 8pt

ER-111 Gill Sans #262 Upright & Oblique 8pt 10/7/24

ER-122 — Deepdene Italic w/Swashes 12pt

ER-122 — Deepdene Italic w/Swashes 12 pt 10/7/24

ER-116 — Centaur Italic #252 (Arrighi) 14pt

ER-116 — Centaur Italic #252 (Arrighi) 14pt 12/18/24

ER-101 — Artscript #225 24pt

ER-101 — Artscript #225 24pt 10/7/24

Swamp Press Books

ER-105 Specimen Book of “Monotype Printing Types Volumes One and Two 5/15/23

Reprinted here is the Introduction of this book by Edward Rayher.

This book is a facsimile of the what the author believes is the most recent version of The Monotype Corporation Limited's "Specimen book of 'Monotype' Printing Types." Since the two volumes used a ring binder to hold specimen sheets no two specimen books were necessarily the same. Not only did clients alter their own books, but over time new faces were added and others retired, so even a "new" binder would reflect the offerings only at that particular time. This work is as close to complete as humanly possible.

At the end of Volume Two the Frakturs and Gaelic faces which were not usually added to the specimen books, but were available upon request, are appended. These were extremely hard to find.

Specimen Book of “Monotype” Printing Types
Volumes One and Two

plus cost of USPS Media Mail

Please note: since this-work is the result of scans being printed and then adjusted, it is third generation and is not intended to replace the precious originals. One goal of this work is to let people who do not have access to an original to have at least a good copy, and for those who do, a work copy for the shop or office that can be marked up or defiled with fingerprints, oil, and etc., with little consequence.

Many thanks to Monotype Imaging Inc., and the Type Archive for permission to make this book.
Ed Rayher

ER-101 11/7/22

Tolbert Lanston’s Type Bible

A compendium of type specimen sheets showing almost every type face
in all sizes from Lanston’s various specmen books.

676 large format pages

plus cost of USPS Media Mail

Specimen book of Borders, Ornaments, Dingbats available from Matrixes on-hand - 320 pages
plus cost of USPS Media Mail

Specimen Book
‘Monotype’ Rules / Borders / Figures / ETC
Facsimile of most recent version -
288 pages

plus cost of USPS Media Mail

Swamp Press Letter Foundry
Type Catalog and Specimen Book
of 100’s of available Fonts

plus cost of USPS Media Mail

ER-102 11/7/22

ER-103 11/7/22

ER-104 11/7/22

To order. . .

Email letterpressthings@gmail.com
with the ER-Code(s) for the fonts or books you are interested in purchasing.
Be sure to include your mailing address.
We’ll reply with an email confirming the availability, mailing cost and payment instructions.

Please Do Not submit payment until a payment confirmation email is received.
The items may already be sold. Thank you!