January Recap

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                 It's February, we're now well into 2018! Temperatures have moderated somewhat, daylight minutes are increasing, thoughts of spring are creeping in.

                 For the Barrett's, January was an unequivocal disaster. First Saturday of the New Year, walking down the stairs at home JoAnn stumbled on the last step. Broken right leg, eight weeks immobilization, then lots of rehab. Few days later, a stairway tread I was standing on dropped out beneath me. Fell between the other two treads about 8 feet down straight down. Many scrapes, bruises, broken finger, and two broken ribs. Of all the physical ailments the body can suffer broken ribs are one of the worst. It's been over a month now and the pain has moderated, but there's still a ways to go.

                 With the both of us injured, the family room became an upscale convalescent ward. Bed, recliner, walker, crutches, etc. Cooking and food shopping became a real challenge and getting in and out of vehicles took great physical effort. January's weather was miserable; bitter cold, several snow storms, constantly dreary, just depressing. We're so indebted to family, friends and associates for many kind words, best wishes and helping hands. It's now Februdary; winter is slipping by and we're on the road to better times. Can't wait!

                Needless to say, very little has been done in the store, but soon there'll be some new and exciting "things" to tell you about. Stay tuned.

John B & JoAnn