It's mid-March already and the Barrett's are well on the mend! JoAnn is now into physical therapy and expects to be driving by month's end. Very exciting after three long months on crunches! My ribs continue to heal, although they do still hurt especially with a cough or when lifting/pushing something a bit heavy. But with "light" duty, we're still able to get some things done.
Our focus now is two-fold. First, several presses are being readied for sale and will be available during our next open date - March 24th. Second, at the end of December, just prior to our injures, a dozen new cabinets of type were brought in to the store. With assistance of a local high school senior, cabinets are being staged on the floor and the contents being inventoried in preparation for a "swoop" in early April. More details coming soon.
All in all, it's been a tough couple of months and it's really great to be functioning again.
Once again, our to thanks to friends and associates for all their well wishes.